The 3 Steps to Growing Your Business Your Way

3 Steps To Growing Your Business YOUR Way
  1. Learn the alphabet before attempting poetry. 

I learned in one of my favorite Harvard psychology courses (Creativity: Geniuses, Madmen, and Harvard Student) that great artists, in their beginning phase of artistic exploration, practice by imitating the works of others. 

In fact, mimicry is recommended to practice developing your artistic skills. 

So first, consider entrepreneurship as an art — especially if what you want is to build a business based on the unique skills and qualities only YOU can offer. Even if your business is selling someone else’s product, creating a successful business absolutely takes creativity. 

But before you can effectively sell your particular brilliance (and trust me, if you’re selling a product, the first phase of business still depends on your personal brand and reputation being powerful and trustworthy enough to attract customers or investors), you need to learn the basics of what it takes to be in business. 

If you want to grow your business YOUR WAY, you need to first identify what level of business you are aiming for!

Inquire within: what level of business do you envision yourself creating? 

  1. I would like a $100k  – $200k business that allows me to make and keep most of my money as a solopreneur, that gives me full control over my own schedule and time, where I make money doing something I LOVE 

  2. I would like a $500k+ business that I oversee, where I lead a team that executes the daily task and fulfillment, where my main role is strategy and growth of the company, with as little time as possible delivering to clients

Either one of these is possible for you, but these levels are mutually exclusive. One is not better than the other; they each have benefits and challenges. 

so as a thought-experiment keep only one in mind as you finish reading this article. 

And the bottom line is, you need to:

  1. Follow the advice (to find what does and doesn’t work for you- flow profile- be authentic with yourself and to your ideal clients/audience/online) 

  2. Get support (community! team! coach!) 

LeadershipEmily RoseComment