2 Steps to Directing the Universe to Give You What You Want

2 Steps to Directing the Universe to Give You What You Want

It’s a typical Monday morning in most ways. You wake up and dig into your week. 

But this week, like so many in the past, that lingering, nagging issue tickles your consciousness like an inflamed taste bud. 

We know that the Universe responds to your feelings which are created by your thoughts and the power of intention. And I’m guessing you’re pretty dialed in on your thoughts—they’re probably mostly positive, loving, and grateful, yay! 

BUT if you’re still seeing lack creep into your life—in time, money, love, or physical body—then your subconscious thoughts are ruling your creative abilities. 

It is the feeling of being on top of things that puts you in command of your life. 

If the actions you are taking on a daily basis are perpetuating stress, anxiety, or depression, you must interrupt your subconscious and infuse your emotions with Fiero: an Italian word that encompasses the feelings of being humbly proud of your accomplishments. 

Here’s How to Start Your Day/Week/Life in Charge: 

Step 1

Check-in with yourself this morning: what actions feel comfortable? 

If you are a morning routine person, check in to make sure that your current routine isn’t so habituated that it evokes apathy.

Does your current morning routine still inspire you? Does it make you feel in charge and prepared for your day? 

If so—awesome. 

If not—switch it up. Insert into your AM new meditations, a morning manifestation, or try a new route on your run. 

If you are not a morning routine person (which I am not, by the way), then it’s even more imperative that you do not default to what’s comfortable. It’s wayyyy too easy to either:

  • Default into response-mode, replying to emails and other people’s need first thing without ever taking a moment to tune in and take care of yourself first. 

  • Tune in to what feels right, then take actions that keep you perpetuating the same limiting stories because the energy isn’t moving. 

Step 2

Make the shift. 

What would make you feel really on it today? 

The action that inspires the feeling of being “on it” may or may not be productivity-related. 

It could be: 

  • Posting to FB or IG, doing a Facebook live for your audience, or engaging with your online peeps.

  • Opening the mail or finally catching up on checking those emails you let fall to the bottom of the list.

  • Hustling and following up with contacts interested in your business or product.

  • Updating your website or cleaning out your old, cold email list.

Or, it could be: 

  • Finally starting that exercise program you’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to commit to.

  • Jumping back into your self-development work and diving into the course or journal you put off because more important things were calling (ahem).

  • Spending an hour in the kitchen preparing healthy meals for your week.

  • Doing a 30-minute meditation (yes, 30).

Go with what is true for you — follow your pleasure!

Check-in With Yourself

If you’re looking to make a big shift around something, keep checking in with yourself throughout the day: what is a stretch? What feels uncomfortable but would also feel so great to accomplish? 

The power of intention will take you far.

Let me know in the comments below!

What actions are helping you take charge of your life today? 

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